Sunday, November 29, 2015

Portrait Transformation  Reflection

       For this project, the concept I was trying to convey was how people sometimes alter past memories/ experiences in their head by continuasly worrying about them. My idea was to try and make it look as if a person were poisoning his own memories. In my project, a person was placing his hand in space (the purple background). The purple space was ment to represent the persons own mind, because the conscious mind is not a physical object, and memories often seem to be in an endless supply, like space. out from the persons hand came a string of lines as if he was poisoning this emptyspace himself.

           Title:   Altered Space


    Although I am satisfied with my project I see where it could have been improved. The project is very basic. not much is going on, and thinking back on it, I probably could have added a little bit more detail to make it more appealing, and catch more people's eyes. That being said, this was my first time ever using photoshop and altering my art so dramatically using technology, and I believe that my project conveys its intended idea, wich is most important to me.


One thing that was very difficult for me was making and inserting the black design coming out of the persons hand. my first step was to actually draw the design, wich was tedious because I didnt want to smudge it or make it look messy/ unprofessional. Once I drew the design, it was scanned and copied onto my conputer, at wich point I had get rid of all of the white space in the image. to do this I selected all of the wiht space in the project, and deleted in from the image. once this was done, I recognised that some of the lines were not dark enough, so i used the pain brush tool, and painted the lighter lines, dark black. once I did this, my last step was to copy and past it into my profect file, in a layer that was on top of the purple design, but under the person.

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