Tuesday, October 27, 2015

  1. Describe your process. How was the process helpful or not so helpful to you? Show us your brainstorming ideas and thumbnail sketches. How did you arrive with your concept/idea for your letter? Did the peer feedback help? Show us your brainstorming ideas, thumbnail sketches, and two drafts. 
  2. What did you do to represent your concept visually in your design? (Give 2 examples and post close up and full design images) 
  3. What was the most challenging aspect of this project for you? Why?
  4. Are you satisfied with your project?   Explain your answer.
  5. If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?
1. when i was first trying to figure out what my desighn would be, i thought of words that started with the letter R, or thinking of diferent emotions that are evoked when thinking of the letter. for me, the letter R has  and sometimes violent connotations. many of my ideas were coming from words that evoked these emotions as well, like rage, rat or robbery. This idea did not work though because i could not think of any ideas that were visually pleasing to me. instead i tried to think of objects that could potensially mimic the curviness of the R. this is where my final idea of a waterslide came from. the waterslide was perfect because it could be curvey nd squigly. i didnt really consider my pier feedback when making my final, because i felt like the feedback was not detailed enough to convince me to pursue another idea.

2. One thing i did to represent my concept was i created the staircase to replace the straight line in the R. in order for people to actually get on a waterslide, they have to get to the top somehow, so i had to include the staircase to make it realistic. Another thing i did was I added all the little rings that divided the waterslide. waterslides are usually made up of multiple tubes that have been screwed together. this cteats rings in the middle of the waterslide, so i tried to recreate this immage in my project.

3. The most challenging aspect of this project for me was coloring in my design. i did not want my final to look 1 dimesional. i wanted it to have a lttle bit of depth, but because the waterslide was cylindrical, i could not just use a box shape. i had to use shading to make my waterslide look 3 dimensional, and realistic.

4. i am satisfied with my project because i think that i was able to successfuly disguise my R  as something else. what i mean by this is that the object looks like an R, yet it still genuinly look like a drawing of a waterslide, because waterslides are ment to be curvy. If this was not a letter project and we just had to draw an object, this project would still suffice.

5.if i could change one thing about my design, i would create a more detailed background. i dont think that my background actually affects my project in a positive way. i could have put in house, trails, or other waterslides of differrrent sizes to create more deapth in my project.